
Build For Shipment!

I Guess almost everyone uses this build but incase you didn't know HERE IT IS!
Lots Of Shooting, No Reload! is kinda my idea for this build, of course eventually you are going to need to reload but in Shipment i dont think you stay alive long enough to use up a whole clip of the M6OE4 . Martyrdom is basically self explanitory on why you need it in Shipment, you die you kill like 2+ people because of Martyrdom (well i usually do). RPG for Helicopters or just killing people with it, which i dont recommend for Shipment. Double Tap i think is great for shipment so you kill people faster, even though it makes it harder to aim i dont think aiming very good is such a big deal in Shipment.
  1. RPG can be switched out for Frag x3 which is very usefull in shipment.
  2. you could also use an RPD in case you dont have the M6OE4, i dont recommend the M249 saw because it doesn't have a good amount of Damage campared to RPD and M6OE4.
  3. Double Tap could be switched out for Juggernaut or Stopping Power.
  4. incase you don't have Martyrdom i would suggest Last Stand.

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